Dear ladies and Gentlemen!

Scientific and Manufacturing Association FoMos PLC


FoMos PLC - formed on the base of NIIKHIMFOTOPROEKT, is a leading in Russia organization, occupied with development, production and realization of photographic materials of various assignment.
Having its own industrial and research base as well as a competent staff, using stored scientific and technological experience and numerous inventions and patents, FoMos PLC already more than 30 years develops priority directions on development and production of photographic materials and chemicals.
FoMos PLC offers a large range of black-and-white photographic materials for aerial and space photography, scientific and industrial purposes, medicine, graphic arts industry, amateur and professional photography.
Our registered trademark - FoMos -is abbreviation of Fotomaterials of Moscow


Production of FoMos PLC includes


Photographic films

  • High-quality black-and-white, spectrozonal and color photographic aerial films for day and night photography from various altitudes and from space
  • Radiographic films:
    for general medical diagnostics and fluorography;
    for industrial non destructive defectoscopy
  • Graphic arts films
  • Micrographics films
  •  Black-and-white photographic films for professiona1 and amateur photography
  • Photographic materials for science and engineering
  • Photographic materials for registration of nuclear radiation and electrons and other elementary particles action
  •  IR films sensitive to near and long-distant IR-radiation
  •  Films sensitive to UV radiation and gamma radiation of different capacity
  • Unsupported materials and emulsion-gels.

Photographic plates

  • Spectral, negative, duplicating, micro graphic, slide, for nuclear researches, etc. Processing chemicals Complete sets of chemicals for processing of black-and-white and color photographic materials, developers, fixers, bleaching baths, silver precipitators, etc. 
  • Products of fine organic synthesis spectral sensitizes, activators, wetting agents, hardeners, etc.

Scientific production

  • Research, development and introduction of modern technologies for production of imaging materials and for information processing. Information and patent researches


  • Gathering and processing of silver containing wastes. Photo shooting and printing
  • Instant printing

Our address: 47, Leningradsky
pr. 125167 Moscow, Russia
Telephones: (095) 157-66-90,
Fax: (7-501) 198-77-09


Regional representations of FoMos PLC:

phone/fax: (0752) 35-68-41
phone (0732) 14-92-10
fax: (0732) 74-49-79
phone/fax: (8652) 76-44-32;
Nizhni Novgorod
phone (8312) 44-56-98
phone (3472) 24-68-22
faxes: (3472) 37-32-33
phone/ fax: (3452) 24-18-78
phone (3952) 54-15-18
phone (3912) 21-36-68
fax: (3912) 64-39-55
With the best wishes,
General Director M. Ushomirsky
Board Chairman I. Jourba